New England Endurance
Celebrating New England's thriving endurance sports culture.
Our mission is to passionately showcase and celebrate the vibrant endurance sports culture thriving in New England. Through engaging conversations, local endurance athletes (Art Trapotsis and Eric Schenker) embark on a journey to uncover the essence of the region's clubs, group rides, cherished routes, legendary races, and the devoted community of athletes who proudly call New England home.
From the exhilarating realms of road cycling to the rugged trails of mountain biking, from triathlons to ultramarathons, from open-water swimming to collegiate rowing, this podcast is a tribute to the challenges, victories, and compelling narratives that shape the endurance sports landscape in this distinctive part of the United States.
With a commitment to fostering connections, providing valuable insights, and igniting inspiration, we strive to unite, inform, and empower the New England endurance community.
New England Endurance
Backcountry Skiing with Granite Backcountry Alliance
Join us in this enlightening episode as we venture into the world of backcountry skiing with Granite Backcountry Alliance (GBA), an organization that aims to advance the sport of backcountry skiing in New Hampshire and Western Maine through the creation, improvement and maintenance of ski glades.
In this episode, we chat with Sam Trombley, Marketing Manager for GBA, and delve into the community of uphill skinning and skimo, and the innovative glade ranching movement.
Listeners are introduced to the allure of backcountry skiing, where untouched powder (and ice!) and remote terrains offer an unmatched sense of freedom. Uphill skiing (or skinning) takes center stage, with tips and insights shared on mastering this challenging yet rewarding technique.
Skimo, the fusion of skiing and mountaineering, emerges as a dynamic discipline capturing the hearts of adventure seekers. Sam provides valuable perspectives on skimo's rise in popularity and its unique appeal.
A highlight of the episode is Granite Backcountry Alliance's groundbreaking efforts in establishing glade farms across New Hampshire and Western Maine. We discuss the organization's collaboration with private and public landowners. We also highlight The Wild Corn Shindig event, a celebration of backcountry skiing showcasing GBA's commitment to fostering a vibrant outdoor community.
Listeners will gain a deeper appreciation for the intersection of adventure and conservation in the backcountry skiing realm. Tune in to this enlightening episode for a journey into the heart of backcountry skiing in New England and the transformative power of conservation-driven initiatives in the wilderness.
Art & Eric embark on a journey to showcase and celebrate the endurance sports community in New England.